
Orkla Estonia is the place for you if you value diverse and developmental work, collaboration and lifelong learning. If you have ideas and ambition, our international dimension gives you the chance to go bigger.

We have visionary leaders who inspire and support. Our open and friendly company culture is enriched by fierce team events. We're passionate about movement and self-development.

Orkla Eesti AS is Estonia's leading food company, where the cooperation of 550 people brings delicious and sustainable products of well-known and loved brands to almost every home in Estonia - from Kalevi sweets and Põltsamaa juices to Taffel crisps and Möllers food supplements.

See all Orka Eesti AS job offers here

Orkla Eesti AS vacancies

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8 105
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Põrguvälja tee 6, Lehmja, Rae vald, 75306 Harjumaa

43 Days to Go
Opening on 08.04.25
Work and Career Fair 2025

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Põrguvälja tee 6, Lehmja, Rae vald, 75306 Harjumaa

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