  • The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NAS of Belarus (UIIP NASB)

The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NAS of Belarus) is the leading organization in Belarus in fundamental and applied research on information technologies: CAD/CAM/CAE systems, applied mathematics, high performance parallel computing, bioinformatics and medical informatics, geo-information systems, digital cartographic systems, Space informatics, GRID technologies, application of artificial intelligence.

The institute is the provider of scientific and educational Internet networks in Belarus. It takes part in state recommendations on information technologies implementation, scientific support of informatization processes, prognosis in related science and technology fields in Belarus, high skill specialists training.

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ул. Сурганова, 6 220012, г.Минск, Беларусь

Main directions of research

•  Computer aided design, manufacturing and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE)

•  Processing and recognition of signals, images and speech

•  Space and remote sensing data processing, geoinformation systems

•  Application of artificial intelligent methods

•  Operations research and discrete optimization

•  Information security

•  Decision making support systems

•  Bio- and medical informatics

•  UAV navigation methods

•   Supercomputer systems and applications, parallel computing, GRID technologies

•   Intelligent robotic systems

Scientific Digital Center of M.K. Oginsky Heritage

Scientific Digital center consists of:

  •  website of digital center of M.K. Oginsky heritage, presenting the historical and cultural facts about his life and his time;
  •  a set of logically connected presentations for an autonomous presenting the events of that period and biography of M.K.Oginsky for museums, educational institutions and tourists;
  • methodological recommendations for the maintenance and development of the digital heritage of M.K. Oginsky .

The use of  Digital center is aimed to raise the level of scientifically grounded historical knowledge and expanding the use of the history and culture of Belarus in external and internal tourism.

Product advantages:

1. Synergetic use of the historical and cultural heritage and the possibilities of digital technologies, which are based on the systematization, classification and formalization of the presentation of historical and cultural data, which allows to interpret  known historical facts in a new way and present them in a new modern form in a virtual environment.

2. The proposed approach to study history through the prism of the life of a famous person and his ancestors, who from generation to generation over the centuries played a significant role in the life of different states that appeared and disappeared on the territory of Belarus, allows us to see the continuity of the historical processes of development and formation of the Belarusian ethnos and its statehood. An example of such a noble family for the history of modern Belarus is the family of the Oginsky princes, the most famous of which is Michal Kleofas Oginsky.

What properties does the product possess:

1. The information and software tools of the Center ensure the integration of the results of scientific research in different fields related to the personality of M.K. Oginsky: history, art, politics, diplomacy, government, music, tourism, education. This approach gives a synergy effect in an integrated approach to increase the level of knowledge of the history of Belarus.

2. The main property of the Digital center of M.K. Oginsky is its practical orientation. The presented information can be used in the work of museums, libraries, educational institutions for historians, art specialists and musicians, tourism industry specialists. This makes possible to use the results in the institutions of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of Education.


Obtaining the results of the Digital center of M.K. Oginsky for practical use is free of charge on the basis of an agreement on granting the right to use the result of scientific and scientific and technical activities.

Digital transformation strategy for managing priority spheres of life and ensuring sustainable development in the city of Krichev

The strategy defines the goal, objectives, principles and  the main directions of activities in the field of use and development of information and communication technologies (ICT) to advance the Krichev district towards the formation and development of  information society.

The strategy is a "roadmap" for the digital transformation of the Krichev district and involves an analysis of the level of digitalization and the existing potential of the Krichev district and the city of Krichev, the definition of strategic directions of ICT implementation in the region, plans, programs and projects on implementation of integrated digital territory management, sets indicators for evaluating the achievement of positive changes and the effectiveness of regional management, creation of technical and infrastructural conditions for the digital transformation of regional management with the involvement of specialized organizations and specialists from Krichev city.


Computer technology for the study of human cognitive behavior and its applications

Computer technology is designed to assess perceptual human actions based on the results of registration of routes (trajectories) of interactive inspection of 3D models of objects and digital processing of trajectories. Application: determination of areas of increased interest and hidden motives when examining objects, creation of anthropomorphic robots, augmented reality systems, social networks ("imaginative Internet").


1. New human-computer interface with cognitive motive recognition


2. 3D heat map of model product for Commercial Use in Internet


3. Communication On-line 2.0



ул. Сурганова, 6 220012, г.Минск, Беларусь


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