- National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the highest state scientific organization of the Republic of Belarus
The highest state scientific organization is the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NAS of Belarus). It is the leading research center of the country, which unites more than 100 research, production and implementation organizations. It employs about 14 thousand people. It cooperates with scientific organizations and research centers from 100 countries. It has over 70 innovative industrial, scientific and technological clusters.
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The Academy of Sciences is the highest state scientific organization of the Republic of Belarus, which organizes and coordinates fundamental and applied scientific research carried out by all entities of scientific activity, conducts basic and applied scientific research, developments, organizational and technical support of the state scientific expertise, acts as the leading organization of the republic on scientific and methodological support of development of informatization.
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (previously: The Belarusian Academy of Sciences in 1928-1936; The Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1936-1991; The Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1991-1997) was founded on the basis of the scientific research and cultural and social institution of the Republic - the Institute of Belarusian Culture (Inbelkult) (1922-1928), which has been reorganized to the Academy of Sciences by the decision of the Central Executive Committee and Soviet of People's Commissars of BSSR on October 13, 1928.
The inauguration of the Academy of sciences took place in Minsk on January 1, 1929, on the tenth anniversary of formation of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. The first president of the Academy of Sciences was historian professor V.M. Ignatovsky.
On the day of its opening, the staff of the Academy of Sciences was only 128 people, of which 87 were research workers. However, from the very beginning the Academy of Sciences became the leading scientific center influencing the economic, technological, social and cultural development of Belarus. By early 1941 the Academy of Sciences employed about 750 people. Its structure included 12 research institutions, 9 of which were institutes.
The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...
The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...
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