Notifications network of Attraction Centers is an element of ecosystem and innovative infrastructure, the main partner of small and medium businesses. Attraction centers provide comfortable conditions for start-ups and help to implement entrepreneurial initiatives as quickly as possible, offering the shortest path from idea to implementation.

We specialize in educational, acceleration and technological projects "from scratch", we identify the most promising business projects and entrepreneurial initiatives, give them the impetus to develop and scale up. We create and develop a community of entrepreneurs and startups in order to generate business in areas that are new and fast-growing in Belarus. We support small and medium-sized businesses and private clients in the areas of economics, finance, social entrepreneurship, women's entrepreneurship and modern technology.

Centers of Attraction has 40+ offices nationwide, 1,500+ residents, 30+ events per month in various formats, 500+ business partners.

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Центр притяжения Igrow формата Стартап Хаб, г. Минск, ул. Шаранговича, 4

We solve technology transfer problems together with the bank

Dmitriy Primak

Our mission

Igrow Attraction Centers - the only network infrastructure to support entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus, aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • to promote a favorable environment for the effective development of small business, taking into account the interests of all population groups in the region;
  • to create conditions for the development of "ecosystems" that ensure cooperation between small and large businesses, businesses and social institutions, local authorities.
  • to form a partnership network of highly effective business incubators with their inclusion in the ecosystem of Igrow Centers of Attraction and the country as a whole.

Our products

Residents of Igrow's Attraction Centers receive:

  • co-working services and access to the networking community of Igrow's Pull Centers across the country;
  • weekly educational events, online seminars, workshops, regular offline meetings with entrepreneurs, video lessons on various business topics on the Internet platform, topical news and content;
  • opportunity to develop your business through high-quality consulting in the areas of law, accounting, consulting, marketing access to the database of potential investors, participation in the contest of startups and business ideas.

These services are provided both separately and as a part of complex banking services.

Igrow Attraction Centers carry out multi-format work with target audience, aimed at providing knowledge, skills, and motivation for their development in the sphere of basic and personal financial knowledge, digital financial technologies, tax literacy, insurance, consumer rights protection, etc. through familiarization, consulting, training, organization of "demo factories" of technological solutions and digital services, business games, modeling application of received knowledge and skills in practical cases by examples of bank clients.


Центр притяжения Igrow формата Стартап Хаб, г. Минск, ул. Шаранговича, 4


This section presents the stands of the exhibitors. You can get acquainted with their products and services, watch videos. Some exhibitors have exhibition offers. Look for them inside the stands.


The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...


The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...


Smart projects business matchmaking session is a combination of the best of two formats: the classic contact-cooperation exchange and Demo Day for technology startups and projects.

Matchmaking session includes 3 rounds of negotiations, during which technology startups and enterprise projects, SMEs in the field of Smart Industry or Smart City from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine present themselves and conduct a...
