  • Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics is a major scientific, educational and innovation center of Belarus. We are accredited as a Scientific Organization by the Belarusian State Committee for Science and Technologies and the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences. BSUIR is the leading organization in the Republic of Belarus for research on protection against inadvertent interference and on electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronics.

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ул. П. Бровки, 6, Минск, 220013, Республика Беларусь


BSUIR R&D Department is a recognized scientific and technical center. Science-internsive high-tech developments of the university are widely implemented by local enterprises and organizations as well as are exported beyond Belarus. Over 40 R&D laboratories and centers carry out joint international scientific projects, customized contracts on the development and supply of scientific and technical products to supply of scientific and technical products to CIS, South East Asia and other countries.

The university offers S&T services and products (technologies, software solutions, equipment and materials) in the following areas:

  • Technologies and equipment of centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges,
  • Electromagnetic compatibility, protection, ecology and safety,
  • RFID technology,
  • Digital signal processing,
  • Microelecronics and nanotechnologies,
  • Ultrasonic technologies,
  • Information protection,
  • New functional materials,
  • Vibration diagnostics,
  • Plasma technologies,
  • Automation and remote monitoring of auto and rail transport.

Monitoring and remote control system based on the MQTT protocol for automation of indoor climate monitoring and management processes

The system allows to control the concentration of toxic fumes and humidity in the room. It can be used for monitoring and controlling the microclimate in an apartment or a house, in computing centers or mining farms, in a greenhouse or in a warehouse. The system based on an Android application and a device based on the esp8266 microcontroller, which provides remote control from a mobile phone. Among the main advantages of the system are the ability to automatically adjust the irrigation and ventilation schedule; reliable waterproofing; installation of sensors in any room; security of personal data.


SkinCancerStop is a web application for early diagnosis of the development of malignant neoplasms of the skin

It is an adaptive web application that allows prediagnosis of melanoma based on a photograph of a mole. The application is based on the neural network training technology, which, based on the analysis of the photograph, distinguishes the normal condition of the skin from the disease and gives the result in the form of a percentage probability of developing a neoplasm. Among the main advantages: intuitive interface; diagnostic duration - no longer than 1 minute; low probability of error during diagnostics.


Children's educational web portal for fundamentals of health and safety

Designed to attract the attention of children and their parents to the problem of handling fire and the death of children in fires, reducing the number of emergencies involving children and ensuring their overall safety (at home, on the street, recreation, pond, etc.). The web portal is an adaptive and cross-platform site with educational content, quest rooms and test tasks. Among the main advantages: use of gaming in learning; an adaptive format for any mobile device with Internet access.


Vidro about BSUIR

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics is a major scientific, educational and innovation center of Belarus.

BSUIR is accredited as a Scientific Organization by the Belarusian State Committee for Science and Technologies and the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences.

BSUIR is the main organization in the Republic of Belarus for the study of problems of protection against unwanted interference and electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic devices, including scientific, technical and organizational support for the participation of BSUIR in the work of the State Radio Frequency Commission under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus and its working groups.

Scientific Research in BSUIR



ул. П. Бровки, 6, Минск, 220013, Республика Беларусь


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The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...


The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...


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