- Belarusian National Technical University

Belarusian National Technical University is the first technical university in Belarus. The education of engineering personnel in 89 specialties is carried out by 119 departments and about 2,200 faculty members. More than 1000 of them have academic degrees and titles. The total number of students exceeds 35,000 people. BNTU is a scientific organization and carries out activities in more than 20 areas.
About us
There are 19 student scientific associations, 28 scientific-research departments, 5 certification bodies, 8 testing and 1 calibration laboratory accredited and certified for assessment in 57 types of economic activity.
Scientific research is carried out at the request of OJSC "MAZ", OJSC "MTZ", OJSC "Belaruskali", OJSC "BelAZ", OJSC "Forge Plant of Heavy Stampings", OJSC "Universal", OJSC "BATE", as well as such well-known foreign companies as JSC "Corporation "Protection" (Russia), CJSC PP "Technics" (Russia), Skania CV AB, Volvo Car Corporation AB (Sweden), Daimler AG, BMW (Germany) and others.
The main advantages of the product
- flexibility the system as a whole and its individual parts are able to develop as the control object changes or ideas about its functioning without constant alterations of the equipment;
- unlimited functionality in one device if necessary it is possible to combine digital processing of measured signals, advanced control functions, technological blocking and protection;
- ease of maintenance - uniformity of equipment, large time to failure, extremely simple external circuits and the presence of a remote diagnostic system allow minimizing the requirements for the qualification of service personnel;
- uniformity of equipment - automatic control systems (ACS) of various objects have the same structure and consist of the same blocks, the difference lies in the composition of the software;
- reliability – the operating time for the failure of the ACS is 10-12 years with a life cycle of about 15 years or more;
- high accuracy - the presence of various measuring channels and built-in methods of statistical signal processing allow measuring technological parameters with an error of the order of 0,2 to 0,5%; independence from a specific equipment supplier - PC-compatible computers of various suppliers are compatible with each other at the software level and the level of standard interfaces.
Software for rationing and reducing technological electricity costs in a graphical representation of the calculation results
This software provides calculation based on modern automated systems for taking graphs of the parameters of electrical networks. The software corresponds to the modern level of development of regulation and removal of information. The implementation of the development makes it possible to increase the accuracy of operational information and ensure optimal configuration and management of urban electric networks.
Automatic control systems of heat technological processes (automated process control systems) of heat supply systems
The automated control system of heat supply solves the issues of increasing efficiency and reliability, that aren’t inferior in their characteristics to the best world analogues. The development of the automated process control system is destined for automating control of technological processes of heat supply systems and their individual elements (heat sources, steam and hot water boilers, heating networks and heat points of heat consumers), belong to the field of energy and environmental technologies. It is distinguished by the use of object oriented programming, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency, reliability and safety of the operation of heat-power and heat-consuming equipment of heat supply systems. The implementation of developments allows to achieve savings of fuel and energy resources of 12... 18%.
1september 2021
https://youtu.be/s9H3oHX4ha4 (404)
We invite you to join us on September 1, 2021.
Farewell words and congratulations to students in honor of Knowledge Day.
We will be glad to see you in our team if you are a specialist in the following areas:
1. Faculty positions
✔️ Lecturer
✔️ Assistant Professor
assistant professor
✔️ Senior lecturer
2. Administrative and support staff positions
✔️ Engineer
✔️ Head of laboratory
✔️ Social pedagogue
✔️ Educator
✔️ Organizer Educator
✔️ Physical education instructor
✔️ Technician
✔️ Security guard
✔️ Master of apprenticeship in operating a motor vehicle
✔️ Plumber 4-6 p.
✔️ Truck driver (truck crane, KS 2571 on ZIL-130 chassis 6.5 t.
✔️ Software engineer
✔️ Chief librarian
✔️ Librarian
✔️ System Administrator
✔️ Kitchen worker
✔️ Dishwasher
✔️ Cook
✔️ Methodist
For more information contact the Human Resources Department: 8 017 398-95-26
The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...
The Smart Industry Expo business program consists of a number of interactive and networking events with the participation of an expert community from among high-tech companies and corporations, mainly from the industry sector, the investment community, technology startups and SMEs, ecosystems supporting the development of a high-tech environment (accelerators, technology parks, business hubs), vendors and technology...
Smart projects business matchmaking session is a combination of the best of two formats: the classic contact-cooperation exchange and Demo Day for technology startups and projects.
Matchmaking session includes 3 rounds of negotiations, during which technology startups and enterprise projects, SMEs in the field of Smart Industry or Smart City from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine present themselves and conduct a...